“With your support, I am determined to win this election, to refocus attention on the needs of our students and educators. It is our responsibility to meet every student where they are intellectually, emotionally and physically and nurture them to their fullest potential.”



I am committed to the Plano ISD mission of growing equity by closing the opportunity, and achievement gaps; adding resources for the students who need them most, without compromising on resources for others.


A child invests more of themselves when they feel they have been invested in.  We must invest in:

  • Fully funded, innovative programs to meet all of our students’ needs

  • Our teachers, staff, and administration to attract, develop, and retain the best talent in every role

  • Collaborative environments to create and deploy best practices.

new horizons

The pace of change in our society is rapidly accelerating.  We must encourage continuous learning, and re-invention as a joyful habit for our students to equip them for whatever is over the horizon.  We need to provide:

  • Early and creative exploration of all the different work and life possibilities

  • Earlier mapping of skill sets, training, and education to future occupations

  • Links to training, certification, internship, and apprenticeship programs as viable alternatives, or enhancements to pursuit of a college degree.


Our Plano ISD family includes:

  • Our students and their families,

  • Teachers, staff, and administration

  • The Plano community at large - including our business community, and faith communities.

I am committed to the continuous improvement of Plano ISD communications to our whole family in all available formats, especially new immediate notifications with “news you can use” via social media and texts.  Shared learning is more impactful learning.

I pledge to always listen with an open mind first, and then engage constructively.


We face financial challenges.  I will collaborate with my fellow Trustees to find ways to be good stewards of our resources, while never losing sight of our mission to grow every child to their fullest potential.